Croque Monsieur

Serves 3 – serving size is one sandwich, 2 slices of bread


  • 6 slices of Nimble wholemeal bread
  • 60g Emmental cheese – finely grated
  • 1 tsp Herbs de Provence
  • 3 slices of either wafer thin ham or breaded ham
  • 1 tbsp wholemeal flour
  • 100-125ml skimmed milk – you may require more if starts to really thicken up
  • 1 tbsp Pure sunflower spread
  • 1 tsp Dijon mustard


  1. Preheat your oven to 180c.  Line a baking tray with non stick grease proof paper.
  2. Make your white sauce.  Add the pure spread (or you can use butter if prefer) to a small saucepan, medium heat, melt the spread, then add the flour and quickly stir it together, I use a small whisk, it should go like a paste, then slowly add the milk, little at a time so it doesn’t go lumpy, and keep stirring all the time on the heat, and finally add the Dijon mustard and mix together. If the sauce starts to get too thick, simply add a little more skimmed milk.  Let it cool down slightly before using. If you leave it too long it may form a skin, thats fine just mix it together again before using it.
  3. Spread the sauce between all 6 pieces of the bread, then add a slice of ham to three of the pieces, and 1/2 of the grated cheese between the three, and place the other slice of bread, with the sauce facing upwards on top of the other piece with the cheese/ham/sauce and then top each piece again with more cheese, using it all up.  Season with salt, pepper and any mixed herbs, I like to use either Italian herb or Herb de Provence.
  4. Place all three sandwiches onto the lined baking sheet and cook in the oven for 15 mins.
  5. Serve it plain with maybe a little ketchup or with a nice mixed colourful salad.

TIP – You can make these up the day before or few hours before and simply store in the fridge uncooked in an airtight container until ready to eat, then simply follow step 4 above, but you may have to add a few more minutes if cooking from chilled.